Decision Table

The Decision Table technique is useful when testing systems with complex decision logic and various combinations of input conditions. It helps identify relevant testing scenarios and minimizes the number of tests needed to cover all possible system behaviors.

Properly creating a decision table requires a detailed understanding of the system's functionality and the ability to identify key inputs and their relationships to the system's outputs. A well-designed table facilitates efficient testing and verification of the system's correct operation in various scenarios.

Here are the key points regarding the Decision Table technique:

1. Condition identification: First, identify the inputs and conditions that influence the system's behavior. These conditions are then recorded in the decision table.

2. Table creation: The decision table is a structured representation of the combination of inputs and corresponding system actions or outputs. Inputs are often arranged on one axis of the table, while possible states or system actions are arranged on the other axis.

3. Rule definition: For each input combination, rules are defined in the table that specify what output the system should generate or what action should be taken.

4. Test case generation: The decision table is then used to identify testing scenarios that cover different input combinations and verify whether the system responds correctly according to the defined rules.

5. Testing optimization: The goal is to create test scenarios that cover all input combinations and minimize the number of tests needed to fully cover all possible scenarios.

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